Ways To Boost Your Metabolism After Age 50

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probably reading this article because you have a few questions. The majority of
people are only concerned with their metabolism because there is a question underlying
the “what ways to boost your metabolism after age 50?” question.

may be asking how can I boost my metabolism so that I can lose weight. Or you
may be saying when I was younger my metabolism was so much higher- is there
anything I can do to boost it? Some of you may be wondering how you can boost
your metabolism so that you can eat dessert without gaining weight.

is true that some factors, such as age, genetics, gender, and stressful
circumstances, are beyond your control.

there are ways to increase your metabolism. I will give you eight of them. But
first, I’d like to offer you some words of encouragement regarding weight loss.

if you are overweight, you should lose weight. Obesity can cause diabetes,
heart disease, joint problems, and difficulty breathing… However, weight loss
is not the only determinant of health.

Read: Ways To Boost Your Metabolism After Age 40

are numerous other indicators that are equally important, such as heart rate,
blood pressure, flexibility, cholesterol, hip/waist ratio, and so on.

the owner of a personal training studio, I see firsthand how our culture’s
perception of beauty as “thin and sexy” has negatively affected us.

a result, many women struggle with body image and self-esteem issues, which
saddens me greatly.

I’m saying all of this to encourage you to strive for health and wellness
rather than just the perfect body image.

ideal body image is an elusive goal. Few people find it. I’m usually content
with “just” five pounds more.

another five. Then another five. And the individual is never happy. I want you
to have life and health, and I hope this article will help you get it.

Ways To Boost Your Metabolism After Age 50

are some of the ways to boost your metabolism after age 50:

Read: Metabolic Vitamins Natural Slim

1) Build lean muscle

is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. To burn calories,
most people walk, jog, or engage in some form of cardiovascular exercise, and
it works. The problem is that the calories are only burned when you exercise.

metabolism operates 24 hours a day, and one pound of lean muscle burns 35
calories per day while one pound of fat burns only 2. 

if you lose 25 pounds of fat but gain ten pounds of muscle over the next 6-12
months, your metabolism will increase to burn 350 more calories per day. 

accomplish this, you must strength train at least three times per week. If
weight training is new to you, I recommend hiring a certified personal trainer
to design a program for you and demonstrate proper form and technique.

2) Move your body

sedentary people can increase their metabolism simply by taking daily walks.
Walking during your lunch break or after dinner is a good idea. 

high-intensity cardiovascular exercise, particularly interval training, will
provide the most effective boost. 

Read: Natural Slim Metabolic Vitamins

if this is new to you, I recommend consulting with a certified personal trainer
who can design a program that is appropriate for your age and current level of
fitness. You don’t want your program to be too simple or too difficult.

3) Eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than 2-3 per

you go too long between meals, your metabolism will slow down to conserve
energy. If you stick to the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule,
you are more likely to overeat because you are so hungry.

4) Break the fast

a 7-8 hour fasting period while sleeping, eating breakfast revs up your

5) Snack wisely

should include a lean protein and a complex carbohydrate or fat. Protein
requires more energy to digest without causing an increase in insulin

like yogurt and fruit, a little peanut butter with an apple or whole grain
crackers/bread, or hummus with raw vegetables are all good options.

Read: Metabolic Detox Powder

6) Do not starve yourself

you eat too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode, storing more
calories than it burns. 

will also lack the energy to perform the previously recommended lean muscle
weight training or high-intensity cardiovascular exercise.

7) Magnesium and B-Vitamins

vitamins are essential for protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, as well
as energy production. Spinach, beans (navy, black, and soy), asparagus, fish,
and eggs are high in B vitamins. Magnesium is a mineral that is required by the
body for over 300 chemical reactions, including metabolism and energy
production. Spinach, halibut, almonds, cashews, peanuts, soybeans, whole grain
cereals, and oatmeal are all good sources of Mg.

8) Drink plenty of water

is required for the energy-burning process of metabolism to function properly.
Drinking at least one glass of water with each meal is one way to drink more

A Word From GetMe Treated

there you have ways to boost your metabolism after age 50.  They will be effective. Our bodies, like
gravity, operate according to natural laws.

Read: How Do You Make A Healthy Diet Chart?

I throw a brick into the air, it will eventually fall. Your metabolism will
optimize itself if you consistently move your body and eat well.

wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of health and happiness.


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